trauma healing
- restore functionality
- when other treatments fail
- ptsd tissue transformation
- emotional release
- whole body healing
Trauma, emotional or physical, affects all parts of your functionality in obvious and subtle ways. Lana Dahl is able to consciously address all the areas of lodged energy and emotional constriction.
Dramatic healing shifts often occur as areas in your body are released. This release leads to release in other areas that are creating distress. If there has been a traumatic injury, physical or emotional, the delicacy of CST facilitates releases these as well in a gentle, non-invasive way.
Using a very light touch, about the weight of a nickel, the practitioner is continually evaluating/listening to your body. It is so light you will probably wonder how on earth this could possibly help you. However, it is this very light touch that goes very deep. Listening to your tissues is what guides the treatment. You may or may not feel what is happening. Yet there is deep change happening. You may notice the changes right away or not for several days.
Whether you are coming to de-stress or recovery from traumas or a past or current accident, CST works its magic.
What Trauma Clients Say
My daughter J was having trouble with a condition we simply call “the throat thing”. She felt as though she was going to throw-up and this in turn gave her MUCH anxiety. It became so severe that it was difficult to get her to school and once there, it was hard to get her to want to stay. Often J’s condition would be accompanied with stomach pain. J had many tests and we saw various doctors but nothing seemed to help.
When I met Lana Dahl, she told me she was able to work with her clients to rid them of both their pains and anxieties. Well those were just the words I’d been looking for and even though the technique sounded less conventional I was willing to try. After all, the conventional had failed us so far.
When I brought my daughter in to meet Lana I could tell J felt comfortable almost right away. Lana has an extremely relaxed and gentle way about her that is very soothing. She really took her time in the very first visit with my daughter to make her feel at ease and understand the process. When we came in for our first appointment J had had a stomachache for several days in a row (worse than usual). By the end of the session her stomachache was gone! Lana knew just by touch not only where J’s pain was but also the moment it stopped.
Since J has met Lana, she is able to attend school and go about life without the “throat thing” and stomach pains. When she has an occasional flare up we rush to Lana to get her back to normal. She is very comfortable with Lana and looks forward to her visits. Lana is able to sense and feel exactly what her body needs. I highly recommend Lana to anyone but would like people to know how incredibly great she is with children. Thank you Lana Dahl, you have changed our lives!
J. M.
Having suffered over ten years with bipolar disorder and an anxiety disorder I was not having an easy time of my first pregnancy. The hormonal, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes were not taking place for me as gracefully as I’d hoped. My experience had been extremely and intensely dark internally and I couldn’t find much of a break. Having already tried everything I could think up I didn’t place much expectation on the idea that a session with Lana could help me and honestly I was out of energy and money to chase rainbow solutions. I called because I remembered Lana’s card in my purse from seven months ago which says:
“Lana Dahl — When nothing else works”
The morning after the first session I woke up and distinctly noticed a change. I hadn’t woken up in a jolt of panic and anxiety and the intense pain that had been in my chest for five months had lessened. Throughout that day and over the next few days the clouds continued to part and the events that came into my life helped lift me out of the pain and struggle. I felt I could make it through the last six months of my pregnancy. Three days later I had a second session following which the improvement continued a the same pace.
My third session with Lana was a couple of weeks after the birth of my daughter. Again I woke up to a dramatic change in my state of being and an awareness of an opening into a state
of consciousness which for the first time I could deliberately choose in each moment. I was shown in clarity that the choice belonged to me to operate in this new consciousness. It brought deep peace, fulfillment and vitality into every area of my life. I had been striving for this for more than ten years and I am so grateful for Lana’s kindness and gift which has so greatly assisted and catalyzed my process and this turning point in my journey. Thank you Lana
I met Lana during one of the most challenging moments in my life. I was terribly lost, empty, and scared. I felt more like I was surviving every day rather than living. I’ve battled anxiety, depression, and insomnia for several years.
I had been to the doctor for these problems but none of their suggestions ever helped. Some of these ailments led me to unhealthy behaviors such as self-harm and alcohol dependency. I was a troubled mess, dealing with guilt and self-hate on a daily basis. To be frank, I didn’t plan on living much longer.
I’ve been prescribed a ridiculous amount of medication throughout my life, none of which have helped and most have made me worse. I’ve talked to several therapists yet I’ve never found comfort or resources to help me. I was lucky enough, however, to have an incredible support system who loved me enough to keep searching for treatments.
After one session with Lana I was filled with indescribable hope but was mostly shocked by the revelation that what I had been experiencing before was so far from what a normal person should feel.
I felt peaceful for the first time in my life! Immediately afterwards I noticed my sleeping schedule wasn’t nearly as erratic, I didn’t feel so hopeless and I was able to halt my negative thinking in a way I had never before known was possible.
I’m not sure I can explain what happens during my sessions as I’m sure they’re unique to each individual and what is helpful to me may not be helpful to others. Sometimes I’m on the table and she’s relaxing my body in areas that I didn’t know were tense. Other times we’ll talk and somehow words that have been trapped in me for years will escape with just a gentle prod.
Despite the sensitive topics discussed or the vulnerable environment, I always feel safe and comfortable and not once have I ever felt judged. I’ve never experienced anything as spiritual and healing as a session with Lana. On the table, I feel cradled in God’s hands. Lana is one of the most genuine and beautiful souls I’ve ever met and I’m thankful every day for the clarity I now know. I can’t begin to say how much this therapy has changed my life, I can only hope that those who are interested will immediately set up an appointment.
E. C.
Because of accidents and a lifetime of construction work, I have suffered the pain and loss of mobility in my shoulder for years! Lana explained to me what she does, but until she actually put her hands on me, and in a few short minutes reduced the pain to half of what it had been and increased the arm’s motion, she made a believer out of me! I am really looking forward to my next session with “Lana and Those Fantastic Hands”!
W. S.
Your Session with Lana Dahl
Your session takes place in a quiet office. It begins when you make the appointment. She will observe and listen to you. She will answer all questions you may have about what she does and what you can expect.
Note: Most sessions are 1 hour of hands on. Others want to speed up their healing so schedule longer and/or more frequent sessions.
A hands-on session is performed while you are lying fully clothed on a massage table while Lana stands or sits, in various positions at various times throughout the session. Should you be working with the Pulse Technique©, you would be seated on a comfortable sofa with Lana seated across from you to do the work.
Experiences during a session are as individual and varied as the clients themselves are in any given moment. No two sessions are ever the same. There is no need to “try to relax”. Your treatment will facilitate your relaxing from the inside out. She is continually evaluating and listening. The hands-on treatment is done using a very light touch – about the weight of a nickel to start.
Often people deeply relax and will even sleep; at other times, you may talk or ask questions. You may hardly notice her evaluation and treatment, or other times you may experience sensations – it’s all perfect.
Throughout the session, she will support a specific area of your body/spine or head/neck/arms or legs while facilitating the “unwinding” or letting go of tensions and holding patterns. These tensions affect the whole body. These processes are called energy cyst releases and positional tissue release or “unwinding”. Lana facilitates you with ease and lets the body totally guide what she does. You may or may not feel what is happening.
After a Session. Just as individuals experience their sessions differently, the immediate results can be diverse as well. You may sleep a lot that night. Or you may experience an increase in energy. Reduction of pain or an increase in function may occur immediately during or after the session, or it may develop gradually over the next few days or weeks. Your session enhances the body’s natural healing processes, so it isn’t unusual for improvement to continue weeks after the session. For some there may be a reorganization phase in the first 24 hours as the body adapts to the release of previously held patterns.

session highlights
- listening to you
- fully clothed throughout
- relax into the care
- feel the unwinding
- you continue to release