chronic pain healing
- restore functionality
- when other treatments fail
- ptsd tissue transformation
- emotional release
- whole body healing
Living with chronic pain tints every experience in your life. Lana Dahl is expert in CST and the paths needed for lasting freedom from your current condition.
Dramatic healing shifts often occur as areas in your body are released. This release leads to release in other areas that are creating distress. If there has been a traumatic injury, physical or emotional, the delicacy of CST facilitates releases these as well in a gentle, non-invasive way.
Using a very light touch, about the weight of a nickel, the practitioner is continually evaluating/listening to your body. It is so light you will probably wonder how on earth this could possibly help you. However, it is this very light touch that goes very deep. Listening to your tissues is what guides the treatment. You may or may not feel what is happening. Yet there is deep change happening. You may notice the changes right away or not for several days.
Whether you are coming to de-stress or recovery from traumas or a past or current accident, CST works its magic.
What Chronic Pain Clients Say
Lana Dahl is a clear, visionary, loving healer and guide. She personally aided me from escaping a dangerous situation while assisting my body with healing. She is able to see what is not apparent and she cares so deeply, it reaches right in.
She is a beautiful person to be around as she has a full personality alongside her intuition.
She models integration well.
Lana’s joy is palpable and her ready spirit to serve brings a lightness that is contagious.
Lana helped my body heal itself from a chemically-sensitive condition.
If you have a persistent illness or a medical mystery, I highly recommend Lana.
Grateful B.
As I walked into Lana’s office bent over, on the arm of my husband, I knew I did not appear to be the strong, capable nurse that others leaned on. I had just been diagnosed with my 5th concussion but also had chronic problems like frequent migraines, Lyme’s disease and TMJ issues. I had been on antibiotics for several years to try to eliminate the Lyme’s disease and because of that was having significant gut discomfort. I was on many other medications as well and for years was so depleted and in pain that I spent most of my time in bed when I wasn’t working.
After meeting Lana Dahl my life completely changed. In Two to Three sessions a week for about 8 months then less frequently till a year and a half I was off all my migraine medications, my concussion healed twice as fast as usual, my jaw pain was gone and I was standing tall and healthy AND my faith in God renewed. I made the radical move to become a CranioSacral Therapist and now have an exciting practice of my own. I also moved to the place I really wanted to live. Lana is an amazing therapist, mentor and a wonderful person. Her love, compassion and skill have forever changed my life. I am eternally grateful.
I have always lived an active life. I’ve played hockey for about thirteen years, I’m usually outside hiking or swimming or something of the sort. Lately, I’ve been in training and been pushing my body very hard. For years, my sciatic nerve has been a source of pain for me. I’m 22 and many times found myself unable to get out of bed. It felt like an electric shock was being sent from my lower back to my knee and, many times, it was unbearable. I had tried various medications and treatments and stretches and after a while, just accepted that I would have to live with this pain.
After only a one half hour session with Lana, I had a hard time holding back my tears. I had no pain in my leg. I spent the next half an hour walking, jumping, and stretching – in shock that none of it caused me pain. I had become used to wincing whenever I say down, or having to support myself for my first couple steps until the pain eased.
I would recommend Lana to anyone who has resigned themselves to just dealing with their pain. Due to my amazement at the freedom I feel, I have told everyone I’ve come in contact with about the change I felt. I’m sure I will be telling many more people, but for the meantime, I’m going to go for a run and for the first time in many years, I’ll do so pain-free.
Thank you, Lana!
Your Session with Lana Dahl
Your session takes place in a quiet office. It begins when you make the appointment. She will observe and listen to you. She will answer all questions you may have about what she does and what you can expect.
Note: Most sessions are 1 hour of hands on. Others want to speed up their healing so schedule longer and/or more frequent sessions.
A hands-on session is performed while you are lying fully clothed on a massage table while Lana stands or sits, in various positions at various times throughout the session. Should you be working with the Pulse Technique©, you would be seated on a comfortable sofa with Lana seated across from you to do the work.
Experiences during a session are as individual and varied as the clients themselves are in any given moment. No two sessions are ever the same. There is no need to “try to relax”. Your treatment will facilitate your relaxing from the inside out. She is continually evaluating and listening. The hands-on treatment is done using a very light touch – about the weight of a nickel to start.
Often people deeply relax and will even sleep; at other times, you may talk or ask questions. You may hardly notice her evaluation and treatment, or other times you may experience sensations – it’s all perfect.
Throughout the session, she will support a specific area of your body/spine or head/neck/arms or legs while facilitating the “unwinding” or letting go of tensions and holding patterns. These tensions affect the whole body. These processes are called energy cyst releases and positional tissue release or “unwinding”. Lana facilitates you with ease and lets the body totally guide what she does. You may or may not feel what is happening.
After a Session. Just as individuals experience their sessions differently, the immediate results can be diverse as well. You may sleep a lot that night. Or you may experience an increase in energy. Reduction of pain or an increase in function may occur immediately during or after the session, or it may develop gradually over the next few days or weeks. Your session enhances the body’s natural healing processes, so it isn’t unusual for improvement to continue weeks after the session. For some there may be a reorganization phase in the first 24 hours as the body adapts to the release of previously held patterns.

session highlights
- listening to you
- fully clothed throughout
- relax into the care
- feel the unwinding
- you continue to release